New HTA Policies Effective 2/26/24
1) Rolling an HTA to another crop year is NOT allowed.
2) Commission for rolling an HTA within the same crop year will be 3 cents on all existing and future HTA's.
3) Minimum corn HTA contract is 2500 bu. and beans 1000 bu. If a corn HTA is less than 5000 bu. and/or a bean contract less than 2500 bu., there will be an additional 1 cent fee.
4) HTA fees, which are deducted from the final price once the basis is set, are as follows:
(A) Futures sold for the 2023 crop will be charged 3 cents for corn and 4 cents for beans. (B) Futures sold for the 2024 crop will be charged 4 cents for corn and 6 cents for beans. (C) Futures sold for the 2025 crop will be charged 7 cents for corn and 9 cents for beans.
*Please note that any fees documented on prior HTA contracts will remain unchanged. ** HTA fees are subject to change without notice.